Foster Failures

From foster Ted: ASF Pete, Foster Failure 2016. Pete was nicknamed "the unfixable" he was taken in by the Van Pelt family and is now in their Furever home. Pete's new nickname is "Love bug" he can now be kissed and hugged, and loved. He has turned into the most beautiful dog inside and out. He is kind and gentle with his pack, he shows caring. He owes his life to Australian Shepherds Furever. ASF took Pete in, and protected him from his abusers. Pete would like ASF to know, that there is no such thing as a lost cause case. And there are more of us out here, that need your help. Thank you for giving me a place to go, where no one can harm me anymore. ASF Pete

Definition: When a foster parent or family decides that they can't live without the dog they are fostering and adopt them to make them part of thier furever family.
From foster Chris: Mia was a foster in my home who was dumped at a kill shelter pregnant and gave birth to an entire litter in my home. She was a wonderful mom and all of her puppies flourished. All of the pups found furever homes and it was time for sweet Mia to find her furever home. Well, the perfect home was found and we let her go on a transport on a Saturday and by Tuesday my husband could not erase the memory of her eyes pleading to stay with him. They had developed such a close bond that could not be denied and he was heartbroken. "What will it take to get her back?" my husband asked. I made the call and I believe there were a bunch of oh sh*ts. My husband called the man that was supposed to adopt her and pleaded his case of their undeniable connection. He left that Friday to go get her back. He also stopped and picked up another ASF foster dog that was a perfect fit for this adopter so he was going to bring her and get Mia back. 2,009 miles of driving later he brought Mia back home where she belonged. Both of them are the happiest they could be and are friends for life.

From Foster and ASF Board Member Dale: Tosh's family, who he protected and loved for five years returned the favor by dumping him supposedly due to a divorce. Apparently since neither one thought the other one deserved Tosh they agreed to dump him at the shelter, but my detective skills told me different. His first foster dumped him after a matter of days deciding it was too much work so he came to me. It did not take any time at all for my family and I to decide that Tosh would never be dumped or discarded again. Tosh is fetch crazy like Obsessive crazy. He is very needy and insecure for the obvious reasons of his prior humans abandoning him and getting rid of him like an old piece of furniture. Tosh is also blind in one eye. Surgery was performed on his other eye to restore his vision so he could see that the world was not such a bad place, but he is family. Time to go, that is him waiting for me to toss the ball. A bomb could go off and he would never lose the ball :-)