How your dollars are spent

One of the many reasons that it is so hard to raise funds is that people want to know how their hard earned dollars are being spent. Here is a small sampling of your donations at work.
The Life of a Beautiful Lady
We got Lady at the beginning of February 2018 and she has spent a good part of her time in and out of the hospital. She has so many different health issues to include multiple autoimmune disorders that required blood transfusions, an enlarged pancreas & liver, belly fluid, blood clots in lungs, a skin disorder and much more. Her foster mom Laurie through her amazing love and dedication kept a journal of Lady’s progress.

2/2/2018: I picked up Lady this afternoon. Her skin condition is really, really bad. My vet said that the other vets had done everything he would have done first. They are doing a biopsy and blood work now to try and figure out what is going on internally. She is so, so sweet and equally as pitiful. This isn’t going to be cheap
2/4/2018: Lady pupdate... She’s still not feeling well at all, but I see some improvement this morning in her face. It doesn’t look nearly as angry. She doesn’t have much of an appetite, but is drinking water and resting comfortably. She always wags her little nub when she sees me and yesterday gave a little hop when I gave her a treat. She even rewarded me with one little lick on my hand. We are taking little baby steps, but we are going in the right direction

2/11/18: Lady update... we had a good visit this morning. Her PCV is maintaining right now. We are hoping she won’t need another transfusion at this point. They will still check it every eight hours today and plan is to do full CBC tomorrow at 7 and then we could be looking at Discharge in the afternoon. Keep the good thoughts coming!
2/23/2018: Update from ASF Chief Medical Advisor Adrian: Lady was discharged this afternoon from her stay at Nashville Vet Specialists. This poor girl is on a roller coaster of health issues. She developed some GI issues from some of the meds she has taken for her auto-immune issues and infections. She seems to be improving and her skin is looking better daily...paws crossed she will make significant progress from here on out and her immune system will operate normally. Many thanks to foster mom Laurie and devoted friend Marylee for being our eyes, ears, and on the spot help!

Update: Lady has a furever home!!!!
3/28/18 Update From foster mom Laurie: It’s been a while since my last update on Lady and I have good news. It has been three weeks since her last visit to the vet where she was under weight (just 34 lbs) and her blood counts were not where they should be. I am happy to report that this girl continues to fight. Her counts were almost normal today and she’s gained 10 pounds! We are finally seeing her personality and it’s precious. She has even started to play a bit. I’ve integrated her with my two dogs and it’s gone really well. She is curious about my cats, but they are keeping her in check. She’s a smart girl and has clearly had some run ins with a kitty before. I am adding some photos of her on her journey so you can see her transformation. It was just a few weeks ago that she had to have a blood transfusion and was throwing blood clots to her lungs. I really didn’t think we would ever be here. She may soon be ready to rid herself of the cone and find her forever home

Total Veterinary cost $4,617

Emma, a 2 year old blue merle Australian Shepherd was abandoned at a rural Kentucky shelter by being thrown over the fenced yard in the middle of the night. When staff arrived the next morning they found her with one puppy and a broken left front leg, they knew she needed serious attention and began looking for rescue to help this sweet girl.
Emma-by Brandy Lemieux

Transport was arranged and I picked her up and rushed her straight to my vet for evaluation. After an exam and X-rays, it was revealed that Emma's leg had been broken at the shoulder for more than 2 weeks and the only option was amputation (at this point it was just dead weight she carried around with her). Her X-rays were taken to an orthopedic specialist at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine Clinic for a second opinion. The second opinion was heartbreaking, as the veterinarian was able to confirm that in fact her leg had been broken for longer than 2 weeks. It had actually been broken since she was a puppy and was never set and healed incorrectly. He agreed that amputation was the best solution to give her a much better quality of life.
Emma's X Ray

ASF raised the funds and her amputation was a complete success. When I picked her up from the vet after surgery, she walked on her own a bit and you could see the instant relief in her eyes when she realized the dead weight, pain, and discomfort was gone. Her recovery was smooth and quick. She would run around at the dog park with the other dogs and just as fast. She was like a new dog with a new spirit and a bright future. She now lives with her Furever family in sunny Southwest Florida were she is the ruler of the roost over her 3 other Aussie siblings.
Heading to her foster home after surgery


Ready for Adoption

Emma and her Furever Family
Total Veterianry cost $1,500.00

Emma, a 2 year old blue merle Australian Shepherd was abandoned at a rural Kentucky shelter by being thrown over the fenced yard in the middle of the night. When staff arrived the next morning they found her with one puppy and a broken left front leg, they knew she needed serious attention and began looking for rescue to help this sweet girl.
Emma-by Brandy Lemieux

Transport was arranged and I picked her up and rushed her straight to my vet for evaluation. After an exam and X-rays, it was revealed that Emma's leg had been broken at the shoulder for more than 2 weeks and the only option was amputation (at this point it was just dead weight she carried around with her). Her X-rays were taken to an orthopedic specialist at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine Clinic for a second opinion. The second opinion was heartbreaking, as the veterinarian was able to confirm that in fact her leg had been broken for longer than 2 weeks. It had actually been broken since she was a puppy and was never set and healed incorrectly. He agreed that amputation was the best solution to give her a much better quality of life.
Emma's X Ray

ASF raised the funds and her amputation was a complete success. When I picked her up from the vet after surgery, she walked on her own a bit and you could see the instant relief in her eyes when she realized the dead weight, pain, and discomfort was gone. Her recovery was smooth and quick. She would run around at the dog park with the other dogs and just as fast. She was like a new dog with a new spirit and a bright future. She now lives with her Furever family in sunny Southwest Florida were she is the ruler of the roost over her 3 other Aussie siblings.
Heading to her foster home after surgery


Ready for Adoption

Emma and her Furever Family
Total Veterianry cost $1,500.00

Emma, a 2 year old blue merle Australian Shepherd was abandoned at a rural Kentucky shelter by being thrown over the fenced yard in the middle of the night. When staff arrived the next morning they found her with one puppy and a broken left front leg, they knew she needed serious attention and began looking for rescue to help this sweet girl.
Emma-by Brandy Lemieux

Transport was arranged and I picked her up and rushed her straight to my vet for evaluation. After an exam and X-rays, it was revealed that Emma's leg had been broken at the shoulder for more than 2 weeks and the only option was amputation (at this point it was just dead weight she carried around with her). Her X-rays were taken to an orthopedic specialist at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine Clinic for a second opinion. The second opinion was heartbreaking, as the veterinarian was able to confirm that in fact her leg had been broken for longer than 2 weeks. It had actually been broken since she was a puppy and was never set and healed incorrectly. He agreed that amputation was the best solution to give her a much better quality of life.
Emma's X Ray

ASF raised the funds and her amputation was a complete success. When I picked her up from the vet after surgery, she walked on her own a bit and you could see the instant relief in her eyes when she realized the dead weight, pain, and discomfort was gone. Her recovery was smooth and quick. She would run around at the dog park with the other dogs and just as fast. She was like a new dog with a new spirit and a bright future. She now lives with her Furever family in sunny Southwest Florida were she is the ruler of the roost over her 3 other Aussie siblings.
Heading to her foster home after surgery


Ready for Adoption

Emma and her Furever Family
Total Veterianry cost $1,500.00

Emma, a 2 year old blue merle Australian Shepherd was abandoned at a rural Kentucky shelter by being thrown over the fenced yard in the middle of the night. When staff arrived the next morning they found her with one puppy and a broken left front leg, they knew she needed serious attention and began looking for rescue to help this sweet girl.
Emma-by Brandy Lemieux

Transport was arranged and I picked her up and rushed her straight to my vet for evaluation. After an exam and X-rays, it was revealed that Emma's leg had been broken at the shoulder for more than 2 weeks and the only option was amputation (at this point it was just dead weight she carried around with her). Her X-rays were taken to an orthopedic specialist at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medicine Clinic for a second opinion. The second opinion was heartbreaking, as the veterinarian was able to confirm that in fact her leg had been broken for longer than 2 weeks. It had actually been broken since she was a puppy and was never set and healed incorrectly. He agreed that amputation was the best solution to give her a much better quality of life.
Emma's X Ray

ASF raised the funds and her amputation was a complete success. When I picked her up from the vet after surgery, she walked on her own a bit and you could see the instant relief in her eyes when she realized the dead weight, pain, and discomfort was gone. Her recovery was smooth and quick. She would run around at the dog park with the other dogs and just as fast. She was like a new dog with a new spirit and a bright future. She now lives with her Furever family in sunny Southwest Florida were she is the ruler of the roost over her 3 other Aussie siblings.
Heading to her foster home after surgery


Ready for Adoption

Emma and her Furever Family
Total Veterianry cost $1,500.00
Winston's Pain in the neck.
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A young girl in West Virginia frantically reached out on Facebook for some help. She stated that she found this dog with "his kneck cut open all the way around and it smells" One of our wonderful fosters had found out about this dog and immediately asked if we could bring him into the organization. There was no way we would turn this poor suffering boy away and we were grateful that he was able to escape the abusive owners who allowed this to happen.
This type of injury is the result of an embedded collar. This occurs when someone puts a collar on a young animal and doesn’t bother to loosen the collar as the animal grows—or when someone places a too-tight collar or rope around the neck of a chained dog—the collar can actually grow into the flesh of the animal’s neck, leaving the dog in extreme misery and pain.

Winston has since been adopted and is living with his furever dad in New York, far away from his abusive and neglectful past. He now knows what is it to be loved and cared for and is a very happy boy
Contact was made with the young girl and arrangements were made to pick him up right away by one of our fosters, Tori. He was provided with food and water and was immedicately taken to the Veterinarian for treatment. The wound was was cleaned and the infection was treated with antibiotics. Within about three weeks time with his foster mom Lily, he was heeling physially and most definitely emotionally from this horrific ordeal.

Total Veterinary Cost: $363.00

Eddie's Journey
Like most of the dogs we rescue Eddie, a beautiful Blue Merle Australian Shepherd was pulled from a High Kill Shelter on his final day, this one being in Oklahoma. Eddie's life was about to get so much better. Here he is on his freedom ride from the shelter to begin foster care with his foster mom Mary. He is quite clearly saying thank you for saving my life with a big Aussie smile.

Eddie settled in quickly to his new foster home. He got along wonderfully with the other dogs in the home. His foster mom Mary soon learned that he loved to wrestle, play ball and play with his stuffed animals. His foster mom said she was falling in love with this beautiful boy.
Eddie then went to the vet for his immunizations and neuter. He was not at all happy with the situation, his cone of shame or his much needed crate rest.
Eddie recovered beautifully and had a wonderful young couple waiting to adopt him in the Pacific Northwest. Eddie traveled on a transport from Oklahoma to Washington state and arrived safely to his new home.
Soon after Eddie's arrival he took ill. He was vomiting and had diarrhea. He was taken to the vet and they received the most tragic news, Eddie had contracted Parvo. He was critically ill and there was concern as to whether or not he would survive.
After 5 days of not knowing if he would survive, we received the following statement from his doctor: " He’s doing alright today, but is unfortunately still clinical for the disease"...he still has a hump to get over as he is again having some diarrhea today and the regurgitation has lessened slightly but not significantly.The NG tube did not have to be inserted. He is still not eating on his own and unfortunately, this seems to be a typical Parvo scenario. He is holding his own however and is not as depressed as he was 5 days ago. He does not have any fever at this time and hopefully he will feel better and begin eating so he can go home soon. He is still a classic clinical case of Parvo at this time and cannot leave the hospital." At this point the bill was at $3,100.
Eddie showed little improvement over the next few days but on day 8 and more than $4000 he took a turn for the better. His symptoms were diminishing and he was no longer in the woods. He was allowed to go home and continue his treatment with his very anxious parents.

Eddie recovered completely and his new lease on life and new beginnings came with a new name, his parents renamed him Sven and he is thriving in his furever home and he is truly loved.
Total Veterinary Cost: $1,990.00
Through Daniel's Eyes
One of our board members, Adrian found out about a dog named Rocky (temp name) from Rock Hill South Carolina. He was a found dog and the person who found him was going out of town and planned on turning him loose. She was asked to help network him and was sent his information. One look at his sweet, sad face and she knew he had to come to ASF. He took his freedom ride and was placed with foster mom Jo Ann.
It was soon learned that he could walk on leash, was crate trained, friendly and sweet, He had manners and must have had a home at some point. There was someone who once cared about him .
This sweet boy was renamed Daniel and was brought to the vet. It was learned that he was not micro-chipped and had some dermatitis It was estimated that he was about 15-18 mo old. Just a young boy.
It was also learned and quite a shock and surprise that Daniel had juvenile Cataracts and could barely see a thing.

Daniel quickly underwent double cataract surgery. The surgery was a great success and his sight was restored.
Daniel now has perfect vision and an entire world has been opened up to him. Daniel took it very easy during his recovery, lounging in his foster home and he has since found his furever home and furever mom. And at the utter joy of his foster mom his new home was just 15 minutes away so she could still visit and check up on sweet Daniel and his amazing new life.
Total Veterinary Cost: $2,252.46
Fair Lillith
Sweet young Lillith was barely 6 months old when she was rescued from a high kill shelter in Oklahoma. When we first heard about this little girl we were told that she had a broken leg but no history as to how it happened. We were told that nobody else stepped forward and the shelter could not afford to treat her. When foster mom Cheryl picked Lillith up, she quickly learned that the pup was also covered in puncture wounds and deep cuts all over her body. We could only imagine what she had endured.

Young Lillith was immediately taken to the vet, her broken leg set and her wounds treated. Now it was time for her to heal from her injuries and her trauma at her foster home. Lillith quickly showed her true colors once she knew that she was safe and was by far the most loving and affectionate little cuddler. It is quite amazing how a dog that has endured so much cruelty and pain in her young life could be so loving.

Lillith healed beautifully from her scars and broken bones in her loving foster home and a young woman in Washington State fell in love with her beautiful face and sweet spirit.
Lillith's foster mom Cheryl packed her bags and she went on one of our bi-monthly transports to the Pacific Northwest where there are so many folks waiting to adopt. When Lillith got off of the transport and met her mom for the 1st time it was love at first sight. They have been inseparable ever since.

Total Veterinary Cost $1,635.00

A Boy Named Troy
ASF rescued Troy from a high kill shelter in Alabama just hours before he was to be put down. The foster picked him up and took him on his freedom ride. Soon after he was picked up, she noticed a limp. The limp turned out to be a dislocated elbow. Troy has been living in the most excruciating pain.

Surgery was immediately scheduled and Troy went under the knife at Nashville Veterinary Specialists and Animal Emergency. It was a very expensive surgery, exceeding $2000 as he had to have several pins inserted in order to make the necessary repairs and give him full mobility.
Troy was a real trooper throughout his surgery and his hospital stay. He never complained and was a model patient.

Troy had a very long recovery. It was 4 weeks after his surgery before he could have the pins removed. He recovered in the safety and comfort of his foster mothers home.
This story does indeed have a fairy tale ending. You see Troy's foster mom and her family fell in love with this boy throughout his surgery and recovery and made the decision to provide him with a furever home. Way to go Troy!

Total Veterinary Cost $2,133.12
Opie the Hip Dude-by Chris Boyle
We helped with the transport of the sweetest guy that ever was. His name was Opie and we rescued him on 10/10/15 from the Amarillo shelter. It was clear to see that this poor boy was in constant pain so we took him to our Fayette County Vet Clinic to have Dr. Finch take a look.
After x-rays, Dr. Finch showed us how ugly Opie’s hips were, I asked him what he thought ASF should do. His answer was” Most rescues would probably put a dog down that is this bad.
I called Adrian our Medical Liaison and was told "Hell, no we aren't putting this boy down.” I asked Dr. Finch to give us a price to fix it." He said had never done a double FHO surgery before but he had done one and knew double FHO surgeries have been done successfully before so he gave us a price for both. A Go Fund Me was set up to help raise the money for the surgery and the rest is history.

On 3/8/16 the surgery was performed by Dr.Finch on Mr. Opie and he came through with "flying colors." The double FHO surgery on Opie was groundbreaking since even the vets at Texas A & M have never attempted a double FHO on the same patient in only one surgical setting. Opie at first needed to be assisted with a towel holding his rear up to walk but by 3/10/16 he was getting up and walking out the door to potty on his own and we picked him up 3/11/16 after 4 days of hospitalization and brought him home.
His physical therapy was walking up and down our outside steps and I only assisted the first few times for short spurts then he was doing it on his own. Opie was finally out of pain (he had pain meds) and had a smile. Opie's attitude made rehab go much smoother. It seems he had such a will to live that he never complained when he followed my husband around the large yard we have. Rehab was progressing well when I was contacted by a possible adopter from Colorado. Donna flew in to meet him and it was love at first sight for both. She returned to get him and drive him back. Now living the life of luxury with his new Mama and his kitty sis. We get a very regular update on Opie's antics.

Without ASF none of this would have been possible and he and his Mama would not have had this fairy tale ending. Thanks ASF for being the bestest.
Total Veterinary Cost $960.00
Annie Versus the Wild Hog
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Annie was brought into ASF and immediately to the Veterinary Hospital. She received an unimaginable amount of stiches but remained a trouper through the entire process
Little Annie had already been living a difficult life fending for herself on the streets of Texas, when her luck went from bad to worse. She was attacked by a wild hog. Wild hog injuries are exceptionally horrific due to infections from the tusks of the hog which ripped through her flesh and muscle. We were told about Annie's plight and that the shelter where she was, cleaned her wounds but did not have the means or funds to do anything more.

A lovely woman named Kim, on the opposite side of the country in Florida was following Annie's story on our Facebook page and felt an instant connection with her and her story and applied to adopt her.
Annie, now named Savannah was transported to Florida once she had healed and Kim's entire family fell in love with her. Beautiful Annie-Savannah is living the life of a Princess that she always deserved.

Total Veterinary Cost $395.00
The Anderson Diaries
Anderson, a senior Black Tri Aussie mix came to ASF from animal control in San Antonio Texas. He was severely malnourished, heartworm positive and had a badly injured and mangled leg. It was apparent that he was not cared for or loved but that was about to change. From the start of his heartworm treatment through the healing of his amputated leg, his foster mom Kristin documented his entire journey which will be shared here

June 29th
Anderson is finally looking and acting like a real dog! I picked Anderson up from boarding/heartworm treatment at a local vet clinic on the 17th, and since the day he came home he has been hiding under my kitchen table only coming out to go out to the bathroom. He has been so recluse that I was starting to fear he may have been feral. Anderson also has a leg with an old injury that turns almost completely inward and he does not desire to walk on it. . .he tries, but then will pick it up and opt not to put any weight on it. Well. . .it seems Anderson's leg discomfort was the root of all his troubles!
Anderson was able to see the vet AND the groomer both this week and he is a changed man!! After two days on Rimadyl he is coming out and hanging out with all of us, eating like a pig (he has a lot of weight to gain) and he is seeking out attention from me and the other dogs! His dull coat that was once full of mats is now shiny,soft and fluffy. I am really impressed to see what a turn around this sweet boy has made in the last 3 days! My groomer even raved about what a great dog he was and asked if I would fill her in on the ending to his story.

July 8th
Anderson finally came home today from completing his second round of heartworm treatment. Everyone else wanted to celebrate with him, so we had some cold ice cream on this extremely hot Texas day!!
August 9th
If everyone could please send out positive thoughts and prayers to my foster boy (Anderson) this evening?!?! Anderson is now a month out from heartworm treatment, and tomorrow he will be going in to have his front (right) leg amputated. Life has been hard on this sweet boy, and this surgery will be risky with him just having heartworm treatment, but this is what must be done to get him comfortable and finally get him to Oregon where his new mom lives! I am soooooooo nervous and I don't think I will sleep a wink until Travis (my vet) calls me tomorrow and tells me that it is over and he is in recovery! This dog never deserved any of this and I think we will all be so grateful when he can turn this page and put it all behind him. Thank you to everyone who donated to his gofundme!! With the help of many, we were able to raise every dime for his surgery!! 😊

August 11th
Anderson is home! I am so impressed with this sweet boy! He has fluffy beds to lay on in two different rooms, but he is refusing to lay on them right now. He is getting around so well already! I thought I would need to help him a bit at first, but he doesn't really want my help and he seems to do better without it. We did stop and get a puppuccino on the way home to celebrate!

September 26th
I haven't shared anything about Anderson in a really long time and I wanted everyone to see how well he is doing as a tripod. Anderson had his leg removed on August 10th and recovery was tough to say the least! I can honestly say many tears were shed watching my sweet boy go through the trials and tribulations that go along with the pain and recovery this surgery involves, but all the discomforts and hard work paid off!
August 13th
My dogs usually walk on my heels. . .wherever I go, they go! Today I was folding laundry and realized nobody was with me, and then I walked into the kitchen to find this. Anderson has been recovering in the kitchen because that's his favorite room in the house, and I guess everyone else decided they wanted to hang in the kitchen today too
Anderson is finally pain free and running like he should have been all along!! He is the brightest, happiest face that meets me when I wake up in the morning, and literally RUNS to the door to meet me whenever I come home. . .even if I've only been gone for five minutes!

Andersons Adoption Photo
Total Veterinary Cost $930.00
Sapalupa the Bait Dog
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Sapulpa is an Aussie/BC mix who was viciously mauled and attacked. He was most likely used as a bait dog and then dumped and left to die. He was found on deaths door by Animal Control and turned over to the local Animal Shelter in Oklahoma. On the very day that we were told about him, we were also told that he needed to be pulled by rescue or he would be euthanized due to the severity of his injuries. If there was no signifiant improvement or rescue in his immediate future he would be killed.
We could not allow this poor dog who had such a violent and abusive life filled with so much pain and suffering die without knowing that humans can be kind.

We rescued Sapulpa and he received the necessary veterinary care and treatment that allowed him to heal from all of his injuries. It was a very long road to recovery, but despite his hand dealt in life, he had the will to get well. He has since recovered from his emotional scars as well and is being adopted by his foster mom who was there, providing love and security throughout his recovery.

Total Veterinary Cost $880.60

Cutter's Vision
Like many Double Merle Australian Shepherds which are the result of bad breeding practices, Cutter was born deaf and with minimal sight in one eye.
Based on the information provided to our Veterinary Liason, it was felt that there was a possiblity for Cutter to obtain some vision.
An appointment was set for Cutter at the Veterinary Eye Institute in Plano Texas and after his examination it was learned that there was a surgery (nictitaning membrane removal/trim) to remove a third eyelid that would result in Cutter having vision in one eye. The surgery was performed and was a complete success


Cutter spent the first year of his life in virtual darkness. Now he has vision in one eye and can see the world. The only thing left for Cutter now, is to find his furever home. He is being fostered in Texas.
Total Veterinary Cost $610.00
Tennessee Tick

We got Tick (named because he was covered in ticks) after finding out that he was hit by a car & his owners were going to put him down. He had a head injury with fractures to frontal skull & sinuses, multiple pelvic fractures & fracture to the left hip; multiple facial lacerations & open wound between his eyes. His surgery at The University of Tennessee Animal Medical Center was more complicated than expected but it went very well and he is involved in physical therapy with a long road ahead
Total Veterinary Cost $7,610.00 and counting
A Band of Siblings Divided
A litter of four very tiny puppies were dumped at a local kill shelter in Texas. Crozbee, Steele, Nash and Cassie had unfortunately already had a rough start in life.
ASF rescued the pups and things were looking up for this tiny litter. They were happy and playful, living the lives that puppies should.

Within a few days Crozbee had shown great improvement and was released from the hospital and returned back to her foster home, but Nash's vitals dropped drastically.
Soon after ASF rescued them, Steele took ill with Giardia. Puppy Steele crossed the rainbow bridge 24 hours from the time he was symptomatic and died in his fosters arms. Then his sisters Nash and Crozbee came down with the same symptoms and were hospitalized in critical condition.

Nash continued to deteriorate depsite every treatment option tried. She now had breathing issues probably from fluids pressing on the diaphragm and she had given up the fight. Nash and Crozbee were the closest of the siblings and Crozbee was brought into the Veterinary Hospital to say good bye to her sister. After Nash gave her sister a kiss good bye she peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge.
Her blood glucose, blood pressue and temperature crashed. They were brought back up somewhat but they were still syringe feeding her every 2 hours. This little girl was fighting for her life before she'd even had a chance to learn how great life could be.

Total Veterinary Cost 2,487.91

Open Heart Surgery
Total Veterinary Cost
Large Stomach Tumor
Total Veterinary Cost

Total Veterinary Cost
Total Treatment Cost $324.00
Rosie was pulled from a kill shelter in Garland, Texas at only 4 months old. She was pulled the day she was to be EUTHANIZED and had one of the worst cases of mange I had seen.
It took a village to get her to her foster mom. She was so very sad and pitiful when she left the shelter, but then she got to stay a couple days with Pam Moss and got baths and lots of love and hugs. Then Caleb Lamley gave her a long ride to Lauren Patterson, her new mom.
Rosie "The Movie Star"

Through a lot of work, good food and tender love and care, her foster mom Lauren, (turned forever mom) got her healthy and her coat shining like a brand new penny. She's all grown up...
Just LOOK at her NOW! Now she is a movie star!!